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  Match The story of a woman who was deprived of her life, and suffered from the vicissitudes of life. His lips were shaking slowly. He wanted to say something but could not. Anna had a feeling that she knew what Conrad was going to say. Every woman knows what men say on such occasions.   This had happened to Anna many times before. Every time she heard the sound of the call bell, she was poorly startled. This was because the bell was installed near the sink in the kitchen. Therefore, whenever she was near the sink and someone pressed a finger on the bell button, the loud sound would startle Anna badly. And that's why neither her husband nor her family used this bell. They knew what kind of condition Anna got after hearing the sound of this bell. She was busy preparing food for the family when the loud sound of the bell startled her. This time the voice was a little louder, so Anna was startled a little more accordingly.   She kept the knife aside and walked fast to the door. Two p




Albert and Norma lived in a small apartment in New York. Albert was a dentist. His practice was not going very well, but there was enough practice that the husband-wife was able to live easily.

Norma was a charming woman. It was her routine that at the end of every month, on Friday afternoon, she used to go to Baltimore to visit her old aunt. After spending one night with her aunt, she would return to her New York apartment the next evening. 

Albert happily accepted this from his wife. He knew that Aunt Margaret lived in Baltimore. He also knew that his wife has a lot of attachment to her aunt. So there was no reason to prevent Norma from visiting her aunt once a month.

At one point, in the beginning, Albert had asked Norma,

 "Would you mind if I could not go with you to your aunt's side?"

"Oh no, darling," Norma replied sweetly. "I know your busyness. Anyway, Aunt Margaret is my aunt, not yours."

So Norma's monthly program was going well.

Actually, meeting aunty was just an excuse. Norma spent most of her time with a young colonel. He was a very rich man and lived in a luxurious house near Baltimore. The colonel was unmarried and his household was managed by a few servants.

Their meetings went on in a very secretive manner. They used to meet only twelve times a year. That's why neither anyone could doubt them nor they both would get bored in each other's company. Rather, each time they met more warmly than before and engaged themselves in making the available moments more interesting and enjoyable.

  Every time the colonel would wait for Norma outside the station. The colonel's face would light up with joy on seeing her. Eight years passed like this.

  There were two days left in Christmas. Norma was waiting at the station in Baltimore for a train to New York. This time too it was a pleasure meeting the colonel. She was in a very happy mood. Her love for the colonel remained in Norma's mind and heart for several days each time she parted ways with him. Not only did the colonel have a wonderful personality, but his conversation was also very interesting. He was an expert in the art of subduing women.

 In contrast, Norma's husband was a cold and calm person. His love lacked the warmth that was with the colonel. This was the reason why she was often busy studying in her apartment.

"I'm sorry, lady." Norma came out of her thoughts when she heard a voice. A colonel's staff stood beside him.

 "The colonel sent you this present," he said, handing her a large box.

"Oh...." Norma's face lit up with joy. "What's in it, Ted?" Has he given any message?"

" No." Ted shook his head in the negative and handed the box to her and turned away. and left the platform.

  Till the train arrived, she kept looking at the box upside down. As soon as she boarded the train, Norma went to the washroom and closed the door. Sensations of excitement ran through her body. She thought it might be a Christmas present from the colonel. She started untying the ribbon tied around the box.

She kept guessing. Of course, it shouldn't be opened right away. I'll try to guess by touch. I would also guess about the color. Let me see if my guess is correct or not and how much will this item be worth?

She closed her eyes, then lifted the lid of the box with trembling hands and put one of her hands inside, and started groping. Above all were tissue papers. She touched them and started listening to the rustle. An envelope was also placed on top of the tissue paper. Norma ignored it and slipped her hand inside the paper. her fingers hit something soft.

"Oh God!" she muttered. "I must be dreaming."

She suddenly opened her eyes and started looking at the coat kept in the box with surprise, then grabbed the collar and jerked the coat out of the box. The soft sound of pearly layers of fur opening and tissue paper rustling filled his ears. She spread both her hands and started looking at the coat. The fur coat was so luxurious and precious that Norma felt her breath stop. she had never seen such an expensive coat of mink fur in her life.

"It's Mink!" She grumbled in an uncertain manner. Oh, of course, it's mink, and what a wonderful color it is.

The color of the fur was black. At first, she thought it was black, but when she looked closely at the window it looked blue. Of course, it was not black, but blue. She quickly glanced at the label that read "Wild Mink." There was no other mark on the label, nor was there any company or shop name written on it.

"Perhaps it is the colonel who has done this." she thought with a thumping heart. The shrewd colonel had left no trace of himself. It was good in a way, but she thought what would this coat cost? Ten thousand dollars at least..... maybe more."

She couldn't take her eyes off the coat despite her longing.

Then she quickly took off her red coat and started wearing a mink coat. Slowly her breath was getting heavier. 

The fur was extremely soft. She remembered that someone had told her that the sleeves of the fur coat were made of female skin and the rest of the coat was made of male skin.

The dark fur coat fitted her body so well that it was made to size. Happiness was making waves in her existence. She saw her reflection in the mirror and her eyes widened with joy. 

She looked very beautiful in the coat. She was thinking that when she would go out wearing the coat, the men would be forced to turn and look at her. 

Suddenly she remembered the envelope. She quickly took out the envelope, opened it, and then took out the slip from it and started reading what was written in it.

Dear Norma,

  "Once you said you loved mink fur coats, I have granted your wish.

I am told that this is a wonderful fur coat. Please accept this farewell gift from me with love. I will never be able to meet you again. I have decided to get married. Goodbye forever."

Norma's heart skipped a beat. She was also saddened by the thought that she would never be able to meet the colonel again, but soon she overcame her emotions and started stroking his fur lovingly.

   Then when she folded the letter to tear it, something was written on the back of the paper as well. She read what was written there.

“Your husband will surely ask about the coat. Tell him that this coat was given to you by your aunt as a Christmas present.”

Norma bit her lip. Started thinking that where does Aunt Margaret have so much wealth that she could buy such an expensive coat for her niece. Her husband must have known about the coat from where she got it. Auntie's excuse could not do. But obviously, she had to make some excuse as to who gave her the coat. 

Suddenly she got upset. In the happiness of getting such a costly and luxurious coat, she completely forgot this important thing.

She was about to reach New York after two hours. Ten minutes later she would be at her apartment where her husband would be waiting for her. Albert could ask many questions after seeing this coat, but she had no answer as to where did such a precious coat come from? 

Norma began to think that perhaps the colonel had deliberately given her this gift to cause her trouble. The colonel knew that Aunt Margaret could not give her such a gift.

"Something has to be thought of," she grumbled looking at her reflection in the mirror.

 Norma thought herself insane. She thought that she had been fooling Albert even before this, not even letting him know about the colonel and her relationship.

Norma started thinking of an idea.


After getting down from the train, she came out of the station walking fast steps. There was a red colored coat on her body. And she was holding the carton box firmly. Coming out, she gestured to a taxi close to her.

"Driver!" she said. "Do you know of any pawn shops that are still open?"

The driver looked at her with interest and then said.

 "Several shops will be open on Sixth Road."

"Take me to a shop," said Norma and hurriedly sat inside.

  After a while, the taxi stopped in front of a shop with a sign saying "Lerick Pawn Broker". Norma opened the door and got out of the cab and said to the driver, "Wait for me." I will come now.

  A fat man was sitting at the counter. Seeing Norma enter, he put his glasses on his nose and smiled, and said,

 "What can I do for you?"

"Actually, I've made a fool of myself." Norma put the box on the counter and said in a low voice.

"What do you mean? I don't understand, ma'am!" The fat man looked at her again, adjusting his glasses.

  "I'm very worried. Actually, I've lost my wallet. It's Saturday, so the bank will be closed until Monday. I need some money for the weekend," Norma said and began to untie the ribbon on the box.

"I'm sorry you lost your wallet. Lady!" said the fat man formally.

Norma, unheard, said, "I don't need much money. Only the expenses till Monday. I want to pledge this coat to you. I will pay and take this coat on Monday."

  The fat man was silently looking at the box. When Norma took off the coat, his eyes went wide. It was definitely a very expensive coat. He took the coat from her hand and started looking at it carefully.

“If I had a watch or a ring, I would pawn them instead of my coat,” Norma said. “But at the moment I have nothing but a coat.”

"This coat looks new." The fat man said, looking at the coat inside out.

"Yes, it's brand new, but as I said, I just need some money till Monday, then I'll come and get it."

"How much money do you want?"

"Only fifty dollars."

"I'm willing to lend you fifty dollars." 

That coat is worth a hundred times that amount." Norma said, "I am sure you will take the best care of it till I return."

"I understand my responsibility, ma'am." He said and opened the drawer and took out the receipt book and placed it on the counter,

 then picked up the pen and asked, "Name?"

"No need to write name and address," Norma said.

The fat man paused for a moment and looked at her over the top of his spectacles. The nib of the pen rested on the receipt box.

"Is it necessary to have a name and address written down?" Norma asked.

"It is necessary, but if for some reason someone does not want to write his name and address, we do not insist." He said keeping the pen aside.

"Actually, I don't want to go into these details, it's a private matter."

"In that case, you will have to keep the receipt safe.

  "Of course, I'll keep it safe."

“You probably know, if not, I need to tell you that anyone without a name and address showing this receipt can take away the goods.”

  "Yes, I know"

"Should I not also write about the coat on the receipt?"

"No, there's no need for that either," said Norma.

 "Just write down the amount that you give me, and give me the receipt, that is fifty dollars."

"I suggest you make a note of the coat on the receipt." You may have to sell this receipt. 

"I have no intention of selling it."

"It is possible that such situations may arise. Such incidents have happened to many people."

"You are wasting my time talking nonsense," Norma said in a curt tone.

 "I'm not completely lost. Only my purse is missing. It's just a matter of time until the bank opens."

The shopkeeper shrugged. "As you wish, you are the owner of the coat."

Suddenly an unpleasant thought occurred to Norma. she asked the shopkeeper,

 "If I don't write the details of my coat on this receipt, what is the guarantee that you will return my coat on the receipt and nothing else?"

"We do write these details in our register."

"But I'll only have the receipt number. If you want to give something else, what proof can I show that I submitted the coat?"

"It is better that you write the details of your goods on the receipt." The fat shopkeeper's tone was harsh.

"Oh no," she said quickly, "I trust you."

He wrote fifty dollars in the price box and handed over half the receipt to her. 

"It will cost three percent interest per month." He said

"Yes thank you. Keep the coat." Norma took the fifty dollars and left the store.

  The taxi was waiting outside waiting for her, and after a few minutes, she was in her house.

"Albert Darling." She moved towards her husband saying with great love. "I came, you were missing me, weren't you?" she expressed love.

Albert said softly, pushing her aside. "You're a little late today?"

"Yes darling it's been a while," she said. "Aunt has called you to love and she has said that she will definitely send you a Christmas card, but I know she will forget like always this time too. 

Oops, I am dying of thirst, will you drink too?"

"I bring," Albert said and headed towards the fridge.

Norma began to take off her gloves at the sight of him. Compared to the colonel, he was of small stature. Especially when she used to come to meet the colonel, she used to find her husband very small. The colonel was the owner of a tall and athletic body.

 His body smelled good all the time while Albert remembered her hospital.

"How did you spend last night dear?" Norma asked him, sitting on the sofa with a glass of martini.

"I was at my clinic." He replied,

 "There I fixed some of my instruments and looked at the calculations."

"Why do you work so much?" she said fondly.

 "You can also lend your tools to a mechanic."

"I like to fix my own things," Albert said with a smile.

“It has been my habit and routine since the beginning,”

"I know you enjoy doing your own thing, darling. You have the best tools, but I don't want you to work so hard, and why don't you settle your accounts with Miss Rosie?

 Isn't that her responsibility?"

"She does this work, but I have to prepare the bills, etc. She doesn't know which of my customers is rich, which customer should send the bill to, or how much value. I have to see all this."

"That's a wonderful martini," Norma said, taking a sip and placing the glass on the table, then opened her bag and took out a handkerchief to wipe her lips. With it came the receipt.

"Oh, look here Albert." She picked up the receipt and said, I forgot to tell you that I found this receipt in the taxi.

 Don't know who had forgotten. A number is written on it. Maybe some lottery etc. So I put it in my bag."

Albert took the receipt and examined it like a customer's tooth. After a few moments, he said in a deep voice,

 "Do you know what it is?"

"No, dear, but I think it must be a lottery ticket or something."

"It's a pledge receipt."

"Pledged receipt?"

"Yes, the pledge receipt. The name and address of the shop are also written on it. This shop is on Sixth Street.

  "Oh, I thought it was a lottery ticket," Norma said, a little disappointed.

"No need to be discouraged. This receipt could be our lottery ticket," said Albert.

  "How's that, darling?"

"Look, no one's name and address are written on this receipt. So anyone can go to this shop and get the goods by giving the receipt." Norma listened to her husband's words with satisfaction and attention.

"You mean it might be worth something?" she asked interestedly.

 "Perhaps. At least we should have a look. Fifty dollars was written on it. It clearly means that the pawned item must be valuable."

"Is it worth fifty dollars?" Norma asked innocently.

"You are very naive," said Albert with a faint smile. "Such sellers do not pay more than one-tenth of the original value of the thing pledged."

"Oh, I really didn't know that." She spoke in surprise.

"Dear! There are many things you don't know." Albert said softly,

 “Now listen to me carefully. Since this receipt does not have the name and address of the owner, the person who has this receipt will be considered the owner.

"But there must be something written about whose receipt it is."

“No, nothing is written. Albert said, looking at the receipt.

  Some people do just that. They don't want people to know that they've taken a loan against something. They think it's a shame.

"Does this mean we can keep this receipt?"

  "Exactly, this receipt is ours now."

"You mean this receipt is mine." Norma quickly said, "I got it, didn't I?"

“What does it matter, dear!” Albert said lovingly,

 “What's the difference between you and me? The special thing is that now we can go any time and get that thing for fifty dollars.”

"What can it be, dear?"

"Nothing is written about this even in the receipt."

"I feel strange," Norma said happily. That something has become ours but we do not know what it is. Don't know what that thing will be."

"Can be anything. A ring, a watch, precious jewelry, etc."

  "How delightful it would be, Albert Darling if it were something grander than all that. I mean an antique or something."

"Now see what comes out."

"Give me the receipt". Norma said,

 "Tomorrow is Sunday. I'll go to the store on Monday morning and get that thing."

"I think I should go there."

"No, I'll go myself."

"I said I'll take that thing on my way to the clinic."

"Oh darling!" she said softly.

 "I have received this receipt please let me do this. It will be a pleasure."

“You don't know these shopkeepers, dear! “ Albert explained and said, "They can even cheat you. 

"I'm not that naive." Norma said sternly, ``Please give me this receipt."

"Besides, you must have fifty dollars," Albert spoke with understanding.

 "You can never get that thing without giving fifty dollars."

  "I have the money."

"Still I Want To Do It Myself"

"Why Albert?" I have got this receipt. Whatever I get in return will be mine."

"Surely that thing will be your darling. What is there to worry about."

"I'm not worried, darling," she said softly.

 "Just because of happiness and enthusiasm, this condition is happening to me."

"You didn't think that thing could be manly," Albert said. Only women do not get their things mortgaged, men can also get them mortgaged. 

"If there's such a thing, I'll give it to you as a Christmas present. "But if it's something feminine, it'll be mine. 

"Sure," Albert said. "So it's settled. Let's do this on Monday, both of us will go to that shop together. Okay?"

"No," she said in a dead voice. "I will not go with you.

"After all, what is the harm in this?"

"It would be even more exciting for me to be here and wait. If there's something in it that's of no use to both of us, then?"

"You're right," Albert said quickly. "If it's worth less than fifty dollars, I'll leave it there."

"But you said that thing could be worth ten times more than fifty dollars. It could be as much as five hundred dollars."

"Maybe." Albert frowned, "I'm sure it'll be more valuable than that."

"Oh darling, how can I wait so long?"

"Sure," Albert said, putting the receipt in his pocket. "No doubt. "


On Monday morning Norma came to the door with her husband after breakfast.

She bid him farewell and spoke with love.

 "You work too hard, darling! Don't work so hard."

"Don't worry, I will also take a rest at the clinic."

Come home by six o'clock. ,

"will come. "

"Do you have time to go to the pawnbroker's shop?"

"Oh, I completely forgot, dear. It's good you reminded me. I'll take a taxi and go there first. That shop is on the way."

"You have kept the receipt carefully, haven't you?"

"Yes," Albert said, feeling his pocket. "The receipt is in my pocket."

"You have fifty dollars, don't you?"

"Yes, it is almost that much."

"Darling." She said coming near him and adjusting the knot of the tie. 

"If it's something so wonderful and valuable, you'll call me as soon as you get to the clinic?"

"If you want, I'll definitely do it." He spoke calmly.

"Trust me, darling, I want it to be something that will be of more use to you than to me. I will be more than happy."

"Thank you, dear," Albert said,

 "but I wish it was something of use to you. Well, I'll go now, so that I don't get late to the clinic."

About an hour later the telephone rang. Norma swooped down and picked up the receiver.

"I got that thing, dear!" came Albert's voice from the other end.

"Good," cried Norma happily.

"What is that thing? Is it nice and expensive?"

"Very wonderful" she heard her husband's joyful voice. 

“Just wait, dear! You will be surprised when you see it."

  "What is it? Please tell me quickly."

"You're so lucky, darling!"

"Is that something I can use?"

"Of course, that's just your thing." I don't know what idiot pawned it for fifty dollars."

  "Oh, dear," said Norma. her voice was trembling. I have a bad condition with curiosity. 

Please tell me what that thing is. I can't bear it."

"You will go mad if you see it." Albert was enjoying her condition.

"What is it?"

"Guess for yourself," Albert said in a cheerful voice.

"Any ring?"



"Wrong "


"Tell me. "

"Okay, I'll give you a hint that this is what you're wearing."

"Something I can wear." Something like a hat?

"No, not even the hat." Albert laughed.

"Albert for God's sake! Why don't you tell me?"

"Because I want to surprise you. I want to surprise you suddenly, baby. It's a wonderful thing."

“Okay, I will bring that stuff home in the evening .”

"No, I can't wait that long. Norma said anxiously,

  "I'm coming to your clinic right now."

  "Oh, Norma... don't come here."

"Why dear! What's wrong with that?"

"I'm so busy dear! All my work will be ruined. I'm already half an hour late for the clinic today anyway."

  "Okay, but I'm coming on lunch break."

"I won't even have time for lunch today. Well, come by two."

  Norma spent the rest of the time lost in thoughts of happiness. She used to praise herself in her mind that she made a perfect plan with her talent and proved her dominance over the precious coat. Sometimes she laughed at the simplicity and stupidity of her husband. Her food was also not eaten.

 Only after drinking coffee. She put on her best dress and left for her husband's clinic with the thought that she would return wearing a fur coat.

She arrived at her husband's clinic at exactly two o'clock. Albert, wearing a white coat, smiled at her.

"Albert! I'm so happy."

"It's a pleasure dear! Come on."

 He took her to the surgery room. She said to her assistant Miss Rosie.

 "You can go to lunch."

Miss Rosie was putting various instruments into the sterilizer. she said.

 "Mr. Albert!" I'll finish this work and then go for lunch."

"Come back and do this work, now you go." He was clearly asking to be let out of the room.

 Rosie quietly got up and left the room.

Albert went and stood in front of a cupboard in which he used to hang his clothes.

 "Norma Dear," she said, pointing to the cupboard.

"That thing is in it. Now you close your eyes."

Norma immediately closed her eyes. She waited with bated breath. her heartbeat had become fast. There was the sound of the cupboard opening, then the rustle of clothes was heard.

"Now open your eyes dear!" Albert said.

"No," she said and laughed awkwardly.

"I'm losing my courage.

"Look what a wonderful thing it is."

Norma smiled hesitantly, slowly blinking her eyes. All she could see was her husband in a white coat standing with something hanging in both hands.

"Mink." She heard her husband's voice. "Absolutely real mink fur dear."

There was some magic in Albert's words, Norma opened her eyes completely. She reached out to fold the fur coat in her hands. Suddenly she was stunned. As if the ground has taken hold of her steps.

 There was not even a trace of the fur coat. A small, funny muffler of fur was dangling from her husband's hand.

"Congratulations dear," Albert said happily, waving the muffler.

Norma put her hand over her mouth and tried hard to hold back her screams. She took two steps back. She was staring at the muffler with her eyes wide open.

Albert said lovingly. "What's the matter dear, didn't you like this muffler?" 

He once again waved the muffler in the air.

"Yes.... why..... no...." she stammered "very beautiful, very beautiful."

"I think you held your breath for a moment from happiness," Albert said with a smile.

"..... Absolutely. "

"Lovely thing. The color is wonderful too. Do you know what this muffler costs, Norma dear? 

Two hundred dollars." Albert spoke in a mocking manner.

"Yes, of course, it will be worth this much," Norma said in a deadpan tone.

"Try it on," Albert said and went ahead and wrapped the muffler around her neck, taking two steps back to look.

"Magnificent!" he shouted happily. You are looking very beautiful dear. Where is the mink in every woman's destiny?"

"Not at all," she said with a giddy mind. Thorns were stinging her throat.

"Listen to me carefully. "Don't wear this when you go shopping," said Albert. "Otherwise people will think we're rich and charge double the price."

"Okay, no, I will not go wearing it."

"Consider this wonderful muffler as my Christmas present. It cost me fifty dollars. I couldn't have spent that much money under normal circumstances. You can go now. I have a lot of work to do."

Norma turned and headed for the door as if sleepwalking. The fire of anger was burning in her whole being. She said in her heart, I will kill that fat bastard pawnbroker.

She decided in her heart that she would go straight to the Lerick pawnbroker's shop,

And this rag will hit his face and ask for her coat. If he refused, she would not hesitate to kill him.

 Gritting her teeth, she entered the corridor.

"Norma dear!" She heard her husband's voice behind her. She turned and looked at him. 

"I didn't even tell you that I'll be home a little late tonight. I've got a lot of work to do. Maybe it'll be eleven o'clock when I get home."

"Okay," said Norma and went on. At the same time Miss Rosie, Albert's assistant, came out of her room and came into the corridor.

"Today is a wonderful day, Mrs. Albert!" She said passing by her close.

 A charming smile danced on her lips. A whiff of fragrance hit Norma's nose. Norma was looking at Miss Rosie wide with eyes full of wonder and longing.

There was a strange briskness in Miss Rosie's gait. Her body was covered with an extremely luxurious and expensive mink fur coat.

The same coat that the colonel had given to Norma as a parting gift.

               THE END


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