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  Match The story of a woman who was deprived of her life, and suffered from the vicissitudes of life. His lips were shaking slowly. He wanted to say something but could not. Anna had a feeling that she knew what Conrad was going to say. Every woman knows what men say on such occasions.   This had happened to Anna many times before. Every time she heard the sound of the call bell, she was poorly startled. This was because the bell was installed near the sink in the kitchen. Therefore, whenever she was near the sink and someone pressed a finger on the bell button, the loud sound would startle Anna badly. And that's why neither her husband nor her family used this bell. They knew what kind of condition Anna got after hearing the sound of this bell. She was busy preparing food for the family when the loud sound of the bell startled her. This time the voice was a little louder, so Anna was startled a little more accordingly.   She kept the knife aside and walked fast to the door. Two p



 The story of the woman who reached home safely

Crawford was away from the surrounding settlements. That's why there was less population than in other places. The reason for its isolation was a deep river and dense forest which separated it from other settlements.

It was evening time and there was pitch darkness everywhere. Children were making noises on the sidewalks, and grown men everywhere were talking about the Mysterious murderer. The one who had spread restlessness there in those days. A Mysterious man used to rape young girls and then kill them.

Sylvia was sitting on the verandah of her house taking light sips of champagne. She had a glass in one hand and a cigarette in the other. Her eyes were fixed on the road as if she was waiting for someone.

Sylvia was tall and had a symmetrical body. Her features were beautiful and her complexion was as white as milk. She was thirty-six years old but still unmarried.

"Sylvia!" Suddenly someone called from outside.

Sylvia got up and looked. Her friend Vanessa had arrived whom she had been waiting for. Vanessa was five years younger than her and lived two blocks apart. Often in the evening, she used to go for a walk. She pointed and said, "I'm coming down."

She placed a glass of champagne on the table and came downstairs, closing the door.

"It's hot today, so let's sit in an air-conditioned hall and watch a good movie." She said,

“Yeah, come on,” Vanessa replied,

 “I was bored sitting at home so I came over to you.”

Before they went ahead, an old lady in the neighborhood asked in a loud voice.

 "Where are you going girls?"

"We're going to the Juli's Theater to see Rock Hudson's new movie." Sylvia turned around and replied.

"At a time when that mysterious killer is after girls like you?" The woman said in surprise,

 "You guys are so courageous, I can't even think of going out in such a situation."

Sylvia shrugged casually and turned to the road with Vanessa.

The old woman grumbled and entered her house and closed the door.

When they both arrive at Langue Square a short while later, Sylvia asked her.

  "What do you think about that mystery killer Vanessa who's been rumored all over Crawford these days?"

"I think it's rubbish," Vanessa replied with a ruffle.

"If this is nonsense, then who killed Catherine and Angela? Where is Virginia still missing?"

Vanessa shrugged and spoke in a threatening tone. "I am afraid of what kind of things you are talking about."

After half an hour they both reached the deep mountain stream that divided Crawford in two. Vanessa said in a dead voice, looking down.

 "The river is feeling so dark today. That murderer might be lurking around here. I think we should postpone watching the movie."

Water was always flowing in this mountain stream. There was a lot of noise in the sound, just like a machine.

  There were unknown plants in the river, from which the stench spread.

"I'm not coming back here," Vanessa said again. 

"You'll have to come here alone. It's possible that when you climb the stairs and step onto the broken bridge, that mad killer will attack you and . . ." When you are alone, the sound of shoes will frighten you. Shadows will cling to your feet like a demon.

"I am not afraid of these things," replied Sylvia calmly.

“Do you live alone in your house?” And Vanessa said.

"Obviously, when I'm not married, I'll have to be alone," Sylvia laughed. 

"Let's go this way, I guess," she said, pointing to a trail.

 "There's not much slope."

I am still scared. If that maniacal killer comes out from behind the rock, will we both be able to handle him?

“Don't talk nonsense”, 

Sylvia said disapprovingly. “The killer did not come out so quickly.” She grabbed Vanessa's arm and pulled her towards the trail.

It was a bit dark on this side, apart from the sound of crickets, there were frogs croaking. Vanessa had never been to the river this way. There were also a lot of mosquitoes on this side. 

"I think we should run from here," said Vanessa.

“No. In running, there will be a chance of falling,” said Sylvia. “And I don't want to break my mouth. "

Both of them were walking carefully on that trail and while passing near a big pit, their eyes fell on a black thing. Both of them got stuck in their places. It was probably a human body. Suddenly the moon came out from the clouds. They apparently recognized that she was Virginia. The same Virginia who had been missing for a long time and about whom various kinds of rumors were spread.

Virginia's hands were unnaturally folded, her tongue was sticking out and her pupils were bulging. There were sores all over her body from which blood had oozed out. Sure enough, she was attacked by the obsessed killer.

Seeing her, Vanessa screamed loudly. Sylvia herself was in no better condition. Her mind was wandering and her heart was pounding in her ears. It took a while for her to recover from her condition.

 She said, keeping her voice as calm as possible, "I think the police should be informed."

A heavy contingent of police cordoned off the area, with flashlights mounted on the roofs of squad cars illuminating the area where Virginia's body lay. Photographers took pictures from every angle. An investigation team then inspected and searched for the marks by sprinkling powder. After that, the dead body was taken from there.

In all this action it was half past eight. When the police took the statements of the girls, they were allowed to go.

"You both may go now," said a policeman.

"But you will have to come to the police station sometime tomorrow."

" Ok?" Sylvia said.

Vanessa was still scared. She was also trembling. Her condition was felt by the policeman. 

He asked, "Where do you guys want to go? If you'd like me to send a policeman with you?"

"No, we'll go," replied Sylvia. 

After walking down the path, she turned to Vanessa and said,

 "It is better that we forget this incident soon. Such things should not be remembered."

"Actually, I'd never seen a dead body before," Vanessa said.

  "It's eight thirty at night. The film starts at quarter to nine. It's quarter past one. In the meantime, we can take Joyce with us to the cinema hall." Sylvia said in a relaxed tone. 

It seemed as if she had put the incident of Virginia's corpse out of her mind.

"The movie? Is the movie still on your mind?" Vanessa asked in astonishment.

"Yes. To forget this incident, one must watch Rock Hudson's new movie. I hear he did a great job in it."

"Really what"? Vanessa got confused upon hearing the name Rock Hudson. Although he was afraid, now Rock Hudson was also moving in sight. 

"But Virginia."....., she said suddenly, trembling.

"How long will you keep Virginia on your mind?" Sylvia grimaced and said 

"The more you miss her, the more it bothers you. It is better to forget her."

"But how could I forget, she was our friend."

“What can we do for him now? Sylvia said flatly.

  "She is gone from this world. Forget her."

Vanessa had no answer to this argument so she remained silent. Both started walking silently.

"I was disappointed in you guys." Joyce grimaced.

 "If you intended to watch the film, why did you come so late? The film is about to start now."

"we people...!!" Vanessa opened her mouth to say something but Sylvia interrupted.

"Somebody murdered Virginia and threw her in the river." She said,

 "That's why we're late."

"Who discovered the dead body?" Joyce asked the question. Fear was evident on her face.

"Don't know," Sylvia replied. Joyce started looking at both of them. There was silence for some time.

 Then she said uneasily. "I think that instead of having fun outside, sit at home."

“Stop the nonsense.” Sylvia made a face.

 “Put on your coat and come with us. Virginia will be in the morgue right now. Her ghost can't bother us.”

Joyce went into the inner room to get her coat, and Vanessa whispered.

"Why didn't you tell her?"

"She'll be nervous. And she'll refuse to watch the movie.", Sylvia replied in a whisper,

 "Will tell her tomorrow.”

  After a while, they left Joyce's house and started walking towards the cinema hall. Joyce was forcefully going with them otherwise she didn't feel like going.

The market in the town was about to close. Shops were being locked and lights were being switched off. It was already dark on some pavements. Where there was darkness, the trees planted there looked very terrible. When their branches swayed in the wind, strange figures appeared.

All three of them were going on the road silently. Then Joyce said.

 "That obsessive killer is also spreading terror these days. We should not have left the house today. Don't know what will happen."

“ That killer can't do anything to us,” Sylvia said sternly.

 "We are three. We can deal with him easily. I am sure he himself will not dare to come close to us. And yes, there is one more thing. He commits only one incident in a month. That's why.."

Suddenly someone jumped from the tree in front and started laughing hysterically. 

The three women screamed and were shocked. His back was towards them. He said in a mysterious and haughty tone.

  "So what if you are three? I want all three of you…."

Vanessa's legs started trembling.

"Paul McCartney," Joyce said startled. She had recognized Paul by the voice.

"I'm an obsessed killer and today I'm going to kill all three of you...."

"Paul," said Vanessa.

"If you do such an act in the future, I will break your head by hitting you with sandals," Sylvia said angrily.

"How dare you make such a dirty joke?" Joyce said, stomping her feet.

Vanessa was still scared so she started crying. Virginia's corpse was still moving in her sight. Paul McCartney was embarrassed by his prank. He said softly.

"I apologize to you guys."

  "Did you find out about Virginia? She's dead and her body was found in the river." Sylvia said sharply.

"In such a situation, you should not intimidate women."

"I'm sorry," said Paul. And went to one side.

Sylvia pushed her friends forward.

Vanessa was still crying.

"Paul was joking. Sylvia patted her shoulder. What's the point of crying about it?"

"Yeah, what's the point of crying about it?" Joyce said in surprise.

"Actually, we found Virginia dead," Sylvia explained.

 “Her face is still replaying in her mind. I wanted to get rid of it by watching the film. Now the cinema hall has also come near. Take out your money to buy tickets."

The chocolate shop was open. The shop was near the cinema hall. Sylvia took a small note from her purse and handed it to the shopkeeper, saying,

 "Give me a pack of bubble gum."

  The shopkeeper extended the bubble gum towards her and said, "Did you take the box of biscuits this afternoon, Syliva?"

"Yes "

"When you left the shop, a man was inquiring about you," he said.

"I told him it was Sylvia. The beautiful lady of Crawford. She is also not married." The shopkeeper said with a smile.

"How was that man?"

"Pale and short. He was wearing a dark chocolate suit." The shopkeeper said.

 "The man was looking for your address. 

"Didn't you tell him?" Sylvia said in shock.


 "You fool, what was the need to tell a stranger my address? How stupid of you." Sylvia said angrily.

"Sorry." The shopkeeper panicked. 

"It is possible that there is nothing special, he is asking just like that. Why are you getting so angry?"

Sylvia's heart wanted to break the shopkeeper's head. Till now she had been encouraging Vanessa, but now she herself was scared.

"I think we should go back to our homes instead of going to the movies," muttered Joyce.

 "That man didn't ask about you for nothing, Sylvia."

“He must be some vagabond.” Sylvia shrugged. 

“There is no shortage of people here who sigh at the sight of me.”

"It could also be that he is a serial killer," Vanessa said. "In such a situation, you should remain fascinated."

"I will definitely watch the movie," Sylvia said in a firm tone.

 “That maniac can no longer hunt anyone else. Because the police are now after him. So he must be hiding in his house now.”

"It's not a theorem. Maybe it's up to you...."

“I will definitely watch the movie,” Sylvia said sarcastically.

 “Even if he makes my mincemeat. I am now thirty-six years old. What if he strangles me too? Now there is no enthusiasm left in my heart.

"Maybe you've forgotten Virginia," said Vanessa, "what bruises on her body…"

"I'm not that pretty and attractive enough to make obsessive men scratch my body." Sylvia dismissed Vanessa's idea.

  "You are very beautiful, Sylvia," Vanessa said.

 "Perhaps you don't realize this. As far as marriage is concerned, you haven't seriously thought about it.  Many reasonable people have requested your company."

"Shut the fuck up, Vanessa." Sylvia said sternly.

 "If you guys don't accompany me, I'll watch the movie alone."

"No, we are with you, we cannot leave you alone."

"Then let's buy tickets," Sylvia said.

Everyone took tickets and sat in the cinema hall. Before the end of the film, a slide was shown on the screen in which the manager requested that the people go to their respective homes after the show was over. The show will end soon. There is a fanatic roaming the town these days. Try to avoid that.

"Sylvia looks like this slide was made especially for us," Vanessa murmured.

"Shut up," Sylvia said softly.

The film started. Joyce broke down in tears as Rock Hudson came on screen. "Sylvia."

"What is the matter? "

"While we were standing outside there was a man staring at us. He just came in and is sitting in the back seat." Joyce spoke.

"Don't talk rubbish. keep quiet and watch the movie."

But Joyce's nerves were frayed. She got up from her seat and started crying. “Stop, stop. Stop the movie. The obsessed murderer is sitting here. Behind our seats.”

After watching the movie, when they were drinking coffee, Syliva said with a laugh. 

"Today, because of your audacity, we had to face a lot of embarrassment, Joyce."

"I'm still scared," Joyce said hoarsely.

At that time it was twenty minutes past eleven. While drinking coffee, they were taunting Joyce that everyone was embarrassed because of her.

"The poor guy in the back seat got up and walked away in shame. You shouldn't have done that, Joyce." Vanessa said.

  "I think you should be taken home first," Sylvia said to Vanessa. "Because you're the most scared."

"No, I'll take you home."

“Don't do such stupid things. You will have to cross the river when you drop me home and go back.” Sylvia said.

 "It would be appropriate that I take you home."

"I thought that if I spend the night in your house, you will also be safe because you are the most charming and attractive of all of us."

"Don't talk nonsense. I can take on all kinds of fanatics." Sylvia said sarcastically.

  As the night was passing, the fascination with moonlight was increasing. Everything around was colored in milky color. All three of them were floating in the moonlight like white statues.

  When they started getting scared on the way, all three started singing. 

They didn't express their fear openly but this song was clear proof that they were scared. When the clock in town announced a quarter to twelve, they shuddered. The lights of the houses were getting extinguished. And it was getting darker. Only moonlight was left.

"Well, you're home, Vanessa. . . . go inside and the doors and windows Shut up and sit down," Sylvia said.

"I think it's better if you guys stay here today. I'll prepare and serve you hot chocolate." Vanessa offered.

"No, don't bother, we will go to our house and have a drink," Joyce said, waving her hand in goodbye.

"Sylvia, have mercy on yourself," Vanessa said in a crying voice.

 "You will have to cross the river. Lest..."

"You're getting too emotional," Sylvia said, patting her shoulder. 

"Nothing will happen to me. I'll call you as soon as I get home."

"Okay," Vanessa spoke in a hoarse voice.

"I'll call you and if I'm alive, tomorrow we'll have a picnic somewhere and make a lot of noise." Sylvia laughed.

  "Make sure to call," Vanessa said walking towards her house.

 "Don't forget or I won't be able to sleep all night."

  "Promise" Sylvia blew an air kiss.

As she and Joyce walked away, Sylvia said, "Now let me drop you home too. You're not feeling well either."

The town's hour clock announced the passage of time.

ten Eleven. , Twelve... Joyce counted them slowly.

  "Sylvia, how strange you feel."

"I didn't get it?"

"Everyone is resting in their homes and we are lying in this silence."

Sylvia laughed and remained silent.

After some time Joyce's house also came. The smell of flowers spread near her house. The brightness of the moon has become a bit brighter now.

"If I offered you to stay here tonight, you'd shrug it off," Joyce said.

"Yes. "

"It happens often."

"what happens ?"

“It often happens that people invite death on their own. You are one of them. You are acting strangely tonight.”

"You and others are delusional. While I am not afraid of delusion. As far as that fanatic is concerned, he will not come out today. Because there is a police alert."

"Police." Joyce raised an eyebrow,

 "How many police are there? It's a small town and it's a small police force. What can twenty or twenty-five cops protect?"

"Anyway, I don't feel any danger, so I'm going home," Sylvia said goodbye and turned towards the path leading to the river.

"I'll be in my kitchen drinking coffee while you cross that dark and scary river," Joyce said softly.

  "Have a cup for me too," Sylvia said with a nod.

The silence had increased a lot. The moon was hidden in the clouds.

That's why the branches of the trees were making scary figures. Sylvia was walking towards the river, oblivious to the surroundings. 

She thought that Vanessa was unnecessarily in such a state of excitement. I'll call her when I get home and she'll be embarrassed and apologize.

Suddenly the sound of someone's song started coming into the silence. Someone was coming here slowly, his shadow was looking strange in the dark. 

Sylvia tightened her heart. She thought that if that man would do something, she would run and knock on any door.

  The man also had a stick in his hand, which he was carrying while casually tapping the branches of the trees. The sound of his song kept getting louder. Coming closer, he was startled and said in surprise,

 "Miss Salvia, what are you doing here so late at night? You should have been at home?"

  That police officer was Roger. who was on patrol at that time. Sylvia heaved a sigh of relief.

"Shall I drop you home if you ask?" He said in a polite tone.

"No thanks. I'll go alone."

"But you live across the river, don't you?"

"Yes." Sylvia was thinking that Roger could not be trusted.

Although he is a policeman, what about him? It is also possible that he is an obsessive murderer. At that time he is consoling her and showing sympathy but after reaching the river….

"Okay then, I'll stay here," Roger said.

 "You cross the river, if there is any problem, then call me."

  "Okay," Sylvia nodded and moved on.

On reaching the river, she stopped and began to catch her breath. There were one hundred and five steps to get into the river. After fixing those saddles, there used to be a broken bridge that she could cross to reach the other side. On the other side, there was a small park and then her house.

She started getting down quickly.

 "One.... two..... three.... four...." she was counting along with it.

"Seventeen....eighteen.....nineteen....twenty....about a fifth is over." she thought.

A wave of dread had taken over her. Wishes and doubts were moving toward her. The river was starting to feel darker and dreary than before. She was realizing that she was alone.

"But why am I afraid?" she said to herself. 

"Right now I am on the twenty-seventh step. There is no one far away. Perhaps the arc of my steps is giving me the feeling that someone is following me. I had heard a similar story in my childhood. Look, you are lying. 

And that black man has reached the first step of the ladder of your house. And now he is on the second step... Now he is on the third... She used to laugh at that story and the children used to make a lot of noise. The man…the black man…has climbed up and is now opening your door….look…look he is near your bed now. He has got hold of you….”

She screamed spontaneously.

The steps refused to budge and she stood still. Her legs were lifeless and her heart was beating wildly. She took the support of the side railing.

She was struggling with this condition for a long time. Then gradually the nervousness became normal, She consoled herself that she was scared of her own story.

 There is nothing at the end of the ladder. It was only her illusion that had assumed the form of a shadow.


"Should I call out to Police Officer Roger?" she said in a self-effacing manner. "He must have heard my screams, or was it just an illusion of mine?"

If Roger comes, his footsteps will be heard. But several minutes passed and there was silence.

 "Should I go to Joyce's house? But no, I have covered forty-five steps. There is still a little more to go."


She then started walking the steps. Suddenly she was startled again. From the arc of the steps, it felt as if someone was following her. "But I mustn't look back." When she took two steps, the man behind also took two steps.

"Roger, are you following me?" she asked in a dead voice. 

There was no answer in the silence.

Suddenly it was as if the universe had stopped, the tree had stood still, and the wind had stopped moving.

Inverted thoughts were running through Sylvia's mind. She plucked up the courage and started climbing the stairs with quick steps.

"I am unnecessarily taking the fear upon myself. I have passed all the steps. One hundred and three.... four.... five...." Now I must run. Maybe someone is really following me. And I should be under the illusion that there is none.

She ran wildly over the broken bridge.

Someone was really following. Only when the bridge was shaking so much. But don't look back. Otherwise, the steps will stop.

She ran across the bridge.

There was terrible silence and darkness ahead.

Thankfully, I'm wearing shoes without heels. Otherwise, I would not have been able to run on the road. "May God get me home safely." She prayed. "Now I will not leave the house alone at night."

She crossed the road and ran towards her house. After a while, she was standing at the door painting. Climbing the stairs, when she reached the outside verandah, she saw a glass of champagne placed on the table.

  She felt herself trembling. The key went into the lock with great difficulty. Hurry... Hurry, Her mind was screaming. The door opened.

She entered the room and locked it. Then also put a wooden board.

After completing this process she took a deep breath. she muttered.

"I have reached my house. The door is locked and I am safe. I will never go out alone at night again. The window was left open."

She saw the bridge and the river from the window. No one was there. She herself was scared of her own delusion. No one had followed her. It was only the sound of her steps.

 However, now she was in the house whose four walls were protecting her.

She reached out to the switch and wanted to light it. But at that very moment, her heart started beating faster. Because someone in the other room was coughing softly.


                                                                                 THE END


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