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  Match The story of a woman who was deprived of her life, and suffered from the vicissitudes of life. His lips were shaking slowly. He wanted to say something but could not. Anna had a feeling that she knew what Conrad was going to say. Every woman knows what men say on such occasions.   This had happened to Anna many times before. Every time she heard the sound of the call bell, she was poorly startled. This was because the bell was installed near the sink in the kitchen. Therefore, whenever she was near the sink and someone pressed a finger on the bell button, the loud sound would startle Anna badly. And that's why neither her husband nor her family used this bell. They knew what kind of condition Anna got after hearing the sound of this bell. She was busy preparing food for the family when the loud sound of the bell startled her. This time the voice was a little louder, so Anna was startled a little more accordingly.   She kept the knife aside and walked fast to the door. Two p

Washing Machine


Washing Machine

Story of the assistant who was fed up with his boss

I am, rather, the assistant pastor at Dr. Evans' church. Dr. Evans was very popular in the surrounding areas. It was famous about him that he was a Haranguer, an excellent preacher, and a great leader. It is possible that you have never heard his name and you do not know him. As far as knowledge is concerned, you cannot know or understand him until you work with him, rather under him. As I have been doing for the last four years.

Dr. Evans' Church is the largest church in the state. Big in the sense that the number of its members is huge. And a lot of donations come in this. When I was appointed as the pastor and assistant to Dr. Evans in that church, my friends congratulated me. 

They said. "Man, you are very lucky that you are being appointed in this great church. You will be able to succeed very soon. Because you will be assisting Dr. Evans. I wish we all get such golden opportunities." 

They knew nothing about Dr. Evans, only the whispers of his fame had reached their ears. I didn't even know, but now I know very well what it is.

I came here four years ago with my wife and child. I was given a house to live in and my annual package was fixed at thirty-six hundred dollars.

Now listen to the praise of that house too. That house had four rooms and was under Miss Greece Arthur. Miss Greece was a respected member of the church. And she had a deep faith in Dr. Evans. 

We have got two of the four rooms that were in her occupation. While the rest were combined. For example, when we used to leave our room or go to the room, we had to pass through the common drawing room. It was nothing to complain about.

The truth was that Miss Greece was keeping an eye on our every move. This means where are we going, when will we return from there, what did we eat today, and why was the child crying in the afternoon? When did you go to the bedroom to sleep but when did you actually sleep? etc Apart from them, there were many other things whose knowledge she could not get, so she openly asked about them.

Now listen to the condition of the furniture that was given to us to use. About this Miss, Greece said that it was given to her by her parents. I think it was given to them by their parents while my wife is convinced that it is from the era of the Messenger Christ.

 And with regard to the washing machine, we were sure that it has been in use since the stone age. You must be aware that where there are children, there is a greater need for cleanliness.

This need increased when we had another child. When the machine was run, it used to stop again and again as if we were using it against its will and it was shaking hands and legs in protest. It was expected that we would get a new machine instead of that old machine, but what to say about Dr. Evans is that he found an artisan to repair the machine. He was actually an artisan because he used to run the machine in one way or the other.

I was under the impression that by staying close to Dr. Evans I would learn something. But why does he teach me new things? He needed an employee, not an assistant. Go there, bring that thing, now sit here, and do this work while sitting.

 If I used to do any feat with difficulty, then I could not even get a chance to praise myself in front of anyone. Because the doctor used to fix that work in his name. Like this, my hard work used to fall into the doctor's lap.

For example, I started giving religious education to the boys of the college. You must know that college boys have the devil riding on their minds all the time. 

They ask strange questions while reading. But I taught them something in such a way that they became close to me. And started listening to my sermon very comfortably. 

They were so impressed that they started inviting their friends to listen to my sermon. The result was that within a few months, my number of students increased. It was possible that I would have become famous among the people and my sermons would have been discussed among the people. 

But the doctor ordered me to supervise the center for handicapped women and stop giving sermons. He had taken this noble work upon himself.

The same thing happened in the center for handicapped women. I worked very hard there. Almost everyone there was old or retired. 

Such people are ignorant of advanced demands and advanced knowledge. Customaryism and slanderousness remain attached to them. I am not saying that I freed them from the clutches of tradition. But it is sure that they were definitely enlightened with advanced knowledge. 

Those people who had never even seen the face of the church started attending that center. Doctor Evans was startled by this situation. How could he miss this golden opportunity to increase his fame? 

He transferred me to another place and started delivering sermons in that center.

The doctor did not stop following me anywhere. I understood the secret of his fame. He himself was not famous but was taking advantage of the fame of others. Illegitimate advantage.

When the summer holidays came, Dr. Evans left for Europe. I prepared to go to Pennsylvania.

 I left my wife and children with their relatives and came back. It was possible that my wife would have made a program to go ahead from there. In such a situation, I would have been embarrassed in front of my wife. People whose salary was thirty-six hundred dollars a year, have to feel ashamed on such occasions.

I had free time on Monday, so I made a program for washing clothes. After a little wrestling with the machine, I managed to get it running. 

But only a few clothes could be washed when the water drain tube came out with a jerk. When it came out, the water in the machine also came out.

 What if the machine continues to run in such a situation?

After half an hour of hard work, I reconnected the tube and turned on the machine. The machine has started. But I failed.


There was such a bang in my head as if I had hit my head with a bull. At that time, I appreciated my wife who used to wash the clothes of two children on this machine.

To get rid of this daily jingle, I called the chairman of the board that ran the church. I requested him to provide me a new washing machine otherwise I would lose my mind.

A new machine was not provided but a new worker was definitely provided. It happened that the chairman of the board called Dr. Evans to inform him what I wanted. 

The doctor said that I do not need a new machine, it is a waste of money.

The work from the old can continue now. If there is any fault in it, then an expert craftsman will rectify it. Briefly, the matter stopped there and the doctor also expressed his displeasure. 

He said why did I talk to the chairman directly. Why didn't I tell him earlier?

On Wednesday afternoon I took out my Austin to pick up my wife and kids back from Pennsylvania. Before driving the car, I cleaned its carburetor so that it would not cause problems later. I have made a hidden compartment near the battery which is difficult to see.

 I put a long-barreled revolver in the hidden compartment and locked it. I had decided that I would buy myself a new washing machine with my hard-earned money.

Before leaving, I also kept a dozen envelopes with my address typed on them.

I guess I'm basically a decent person. That's why I looted such places which were capable of being looted. That is, you must have seen only the taverns, what kind of mischief people do there. I think it is a good deed to harm such places.

I looted five taverns in my principality and three in Pennsylvania. The amount from where I got it, I immediately put it in the envelope and put the envelope in the letterbox.

 On my return, there was an uproar in the princely state. The police were desperately searching for that robber. 

They even stopped my car at many places but then turned back in shock. Because of my dress and appearance, they could not even imagine that I could do such an act. 

And they were looking for a masked man with a handkerchief tied to his head. Whereas I had thrown both things in a lake.

The end of the story is very sad. When I returned to my home with my wife and children, I found the police waiting for me. There was no need to make a fuss and make a spectacle. Because the lieutenant had all the eight envelopes and the amount in his hand which I had posted on my own address.

It is possible that you are in some confusion. I remove it too. You will ask how did the police reach me? So listen through the same scoundrel, weakling, and bastard Dr. Evans. That scoundrel was not only engaged in my reconnaissance but also used to read my mail. 

Aren't people asking me about their issues through posts? 

That day he had opened all the eight envelopes addressed to me.

                                                                                      THE END


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